I had one of the best fried fish sandwiches I’ve had in a long while recently at Shabazz Seafood in Savannah, Ga. Whiting is fried crispy hot to order, and it’s sandwich with a stellar reputation in Savannah.  But, this take out spot that opened its order window in 1989 hasn’t been known much outside the city until recently. That all changed when it was featured this year on Netflix’s Fresh, Fried, and Crispy, and that happened because Kalifa Shabazz, who grew up working with her parents after school, found a place for herself in the business and a calling for her new profession when she began doing social media for the restaurant. Mom and Savannah Alderwoman Estella Shabazz and dad Yusuf Shabazz are community leaders, and Kalifa’s already thinking about how she can support the community further. 

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