If you’ve ever been on untapped, rate my beer, or otherwise thought about standing in line for a beer release, then listen up, beloved beer nerds, this episode is for you! Cameron Read is the Director of Brewing Operations for Edmund’s Oast Brewing Company in Charleston, SC, and so yes, he just might have what many consider to be a dream job. Edmund’s Oast is becoming a force in brewing in the US, not only with its connections to get rare and special releases for the restaurant, but now through its own beer since recently adding a canning and bottling operation. But the following isn’t a chat about the business side, but about brewing, from gauges and yeast to the creative process of building flavors and what Cameron likes to call “dialing in.” From brewing in his apartment before he was of legal age to consume it, to these days running a 30-barrel system, he still closely guards the creative process that got him there -- making beer.