In the Wake of a Hurricane: Daniel Doyle and Operation BBQ Relief
photos: daniel doyle
Growing up Southern, hurricanes are a part of life. You know the season, the categories, and you know that just because you can’t see the ocean does not mean you won’t see a hurricane’s effects. But things have changed in the past few years -- it feels like it’s become more about capturing those ratings rather than sharing realistic information, and so things are beginning to skew. Not only are we getting more powerful storms as climate change becomes apparent, we’re wondering whose information to trust when politics, ratings, and even the business economy of storm prep is all playing a bigger and bigger part. Then, after the storm, many of us that didn’t get hit -- and that’s most of us -- send thoughts and prayers yet feel overwhelmed and drained by the enormity of fear we just experienced. Fear, more than anything, makes you catatonic, unable to see a way. My job today is to counter that helplessness by helping you hear another side. The helpers are still out there, some of them cook food, and the following is one of their stories. Chef Daniel Doyle of Poogan’s Porch and Poogan’s Smokehouse in Charleston joined Operation BBQ Relief after Hurricane Florence. He saw hive mentality at work and became a worker bee in that hive, all by just showing up and making spaghetti. This is his story from the front lines, and as you listen, please remember that Operation BBQ Relief is mobilizing in Florida today in the wake of another devastating storm.